01 HR 31 Min 55 Sec

Create New X Account: Quick Guide To Make Your First Profile

A 3D render of Twitter’s new logo in silver and black on a gray platform.

X, formerly Twitter, is the social network where the latest news and trends emerge. Given how quickly information spreads on this platform, thought leaders, market experts, celebrities, athletes, brands, and journalists post here first. It is also the birthplace of new ideas and a hub for connecting with like-minded individuals and high-profile public figures. To … Read more

Most Influential Twitter Accounts: Who’s Who of Famous Users

A closeup of a smartphone’s screen with Twitter’s new logo.

Social platforms like X, formerly Twitter, are influential as they allow people to connect and communicate like never before. They enable information to spread quickly and impact people’s opinions globally. The most influential Twitter accounts can put the spotlight on anything, as millions of users follow these people. Today’s discussion focuses on these profiles. 10 … Read more