01 HR 31 Min 55 Sec

Twitter Follow Limit: How Many Accounts Can You Follow?

An image of Twitter’s bird and X icons placed beside each other on a brown background.

Many interesting features exist on Twitter, now X, that put it ahead of other social media platforms. One is the “Follow” feature, an alternative to the “Friend” feature on other platforms. You can follow any public account on X and subscribe to their tweets without permission. However, you must always watch your following count. There … Read more

How To See Your Most Liked Tweet

A social media marketer uses a third-party tool to find high-engagement tweets.

Throwback Thursdays on X, formerly Twitter, are always great for shedding light on your older posts. For the next one, you want to repost tweets that were a smash hit among your followers. You check your X profile, but there isn’t an option to find posts with high levels of engagement. To find a solution, … Read more