Twitter, now X, is no longer only a micro-blogging social media channel. After Elon Musk’s buyout, the platform transformed into a video-first network. According to Twitter, 80% of user sessions on X involve people watching videos. You want to make the most of this trend and upload videos. How long can Twitter videos be?
Can you upload longer content if you get Twitter Blue, now X Premium? Get the answers to all your questions on this topic in this article!

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Twitter Video Length Limit for Regular Users
How long can a video be on Twitter if you’re a regular user, i.e., you don’t have X Premium? The Twitter video length limit for people without a subscription is 140 seconds or 2 minutes and 20 seconds. Also, the file size of the multimedia shouldn’t exceed 512 MB. If you frequently upload videos, you might also want to delete tweets that are outdated or no longer relevant to keep your profile clean and engaging.
Maximum Twitter Video Length for X Premium Subscribers
What is the maximum Twitter video length for X Premium subscribers? The good news is that the platform substantially increases the limit of video content, as highlighted below:
- If you upload multimedia files at 720p resolution, the maximum length is four hours. However, the maximum file size is 16 GB.
- The length of 1080p videos is also four hours, and the file size must be under 16 GB.
To give you some context, you can upload Lord of the Rings: Return of the King. This movie’s theatrical release has a run time of 3 hours and 21 minutes.
The limits are the same for all subscription tiers, i.e., Basic, Premium, and Premium +.
How To Upload Long Videos on X and Share Your Favorite Content
If you’re an X Premium subscriber, you can upload long videos on Twitter by following this guide:
- Open X on the official mobile app or the desktop browser.
- The mobile app shows a floating circle with a plus at the bottom right corner. Tap it and select Post. If you’re using a desktop browser, scroll to the top of your feed and locate the post composer.
- Left-click the Gallery icon, a small box with a mountain range and a sun.
- Locate the video on your device and add it to your tweet.
- Write the content for your post and left-click the Post button. This publishes the tweet to your target audience.
You’ll see a progress bar in the web version, i.e., the desktop browser.

Twitter Video Specifications You Must Follow When Uploading Multimedia Files
Here are a few Twitter video specifications to remember:
- The maximum video resolution in your post is 1920 x 1080 in landscape mode. On the other hand, the video should be at least 32 x 32 pixels. X recommends you keep the resolution between 720 x 720 for square videos and 1280 x 720 for landscape content.
- Your video’s frame rate should be 40 fps, with a bitrate of 25 Mbps.
- Make sure the video format is .MOV or .MP4.

Are You Unable To Upload Longer Videos on X? Try These Troubleshooting Steps
Do you keep seeing error messages when you try to upload a longer video file? The following troubleshooting steps should help resolve this issue:
- Make sure your X Premium subscription is active. If you’re not a subscriber, X doesn’t let you upload videos longer than 140 seconds. Head to the Premium section from the side panel on the home page to your subscription status.
- You must wait until the platform uploads the video and attaches it to your post. How long this process takes depends on the file size. You can’t click the Post button on the desktop browser until X uploads the video. However, the mobile app doesn’t have this limitation. It lets you publish the post, but the tweet only becomes visible after uploading the file.
- Make sure there aren’t any interruptions to your internet connection while uploading the content. Poor connectivity or network changes can cause random issues, and the whole process can fail. Always ensure your internet connection is strong before you upload a video on X.
- Stay within the platform’s limits, especially for resolution and file size.

How To Prevent People From Downloading Your Twitter Videos
In August 2023, the platform launched a new feature — the ability to download Twitter videos. However, you may not be a fan of this move if you post exclusively on X. Here’s how to prevent people from downloading your content via the Twitter video tools page:
- After you attach the video to your post, left-click the Edit button on the top left corner of the content. On the mobile app, tap the vertical three-dot button at the bottom right corner of the content.
- Click the flag icon, which takes you to the Content Warning page. Ensure the slider next to Able To Be Downloaded is inactive.

FAQ on How Long Can Twitter Videos Be
Here’s a collection of questions people have about how long can a video on Twitter be.
Can you post three-minute videos on Twitter?
Yes, you can post three-minute videos on Twitter if you have X Premium, the platform’s subscription service. However, you can’t go beyond 140 seconds if you’re not a subscriber.
Do videos do well on Twitter?
Yes, videos do well on Twitter, as people love consuming this content. The updated X Analytics tab provides various key performance metrics. Use this tool to gauge the performance of your video content.
Can you earn money from Twitter videos?
Yes, you can earn money from Twitter videos if you join the platform’s Amplify Pre-Roll or Sponsorship programs. This lets advertisers run ads before your videos, and you’ll earn a monthly revenue from the program.
TweetDelete Removes Tweets With Videos Quickly
Don’t shy away from video content just because you’re posting on X. Twitter users love multimedia content, and you should use it to grow a loyal following.
Are there tweets with videos you wish you didn’t upload? For example, you want to offer exclusive video content to your Twitter subscribers, but the posts are already publicly available. Or, you weren’t paying attention and uploaded personal videos accidentally.
How do you find these posts on your Twitter page?
If you don’t want to scroll and manually remove such tweets, you need TweetDelete. It is a powerful tweet-deletion tool that can find any post quickly. This is due to our custom filter, which will show tweets you may not see on your profile page.
Try the auto-delete task, which uses automation to delete specific posts. It requires keywords, hashtags, and tweet date ranges.
There’s also the mass-delete tweets utility, which lets you erase as many posts with videos as necessary.
This tool can also delete your likes from controversial or not safe for work (NSFW) Twitter videos.
You finally know the answer to the question — how long can Twitter videos be?
Become a TweetDelete user today to control what video content is visible on your profile page!