01 HR 31 Min 55 Sec

Twitter Two-Factor Authentication: Keep Your Account Secure

TweetDelete’s screenshot of Twitter or X asking a user to enter the two-factor authentication code.

According to Statista, more than 422 million people were victims of data breaches. In a world focusing on going digital, protecting your online accounts has become all the more important. This is especially true for social media profiles, as bad actors can cause significant damage to your reputation. They can pretend to be you, share … Read more

Twitter Ads Manager: The Marketing Guide To Help You Start

A Twitter Ads manager deciding what permission level they should provide to a marketing intern.

Running advertisements on a social media platform that attracts 368 million active users monthly, according to Statista, is a no-brainer. When you combine it with your organic growth strategy, your account can truly reach for the stars. Twitter Ads Manager gives you all the knobs to control every aspect of your marketing campaign. However, to … Read more

Affiliate Marketing on Twitter: ABCs of Generating Wealth

An affiliate marketer opening the Twitter app on their iPhone to create an account.

Social media is a powerful platform for affiliate marketing. These websites have hundreds of millions of users worldwide. It has tools to help you reach users most likely to become your customers. You can run marketing campaigns on these platforms on a shoestring budget. Also, they help you connect with users to form strong relationships. … Read more

Who Unfollowed Me on Twitter: 5 Ways To Identify Unfollowers

A person using Twitter for iOS to unfollow a user.

As you focus on increasing your follower count, you’ll notice it tends to fluctuate. Sometimes, it is a small, almost unnoticeable drop. In other situations, it can be a significant decrease. So you ask yourself, “Who unfollowed me on Twitter?” Although the change in Twitter’s application protocol interface (API) pricing affected several apps, some tools … Read more