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Does Twitter Show Who Viewed Your Profile? The Real Answer

Arnel Bagyaratnam

Jul 17, 2024 9 mins read
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What do you do when you come across an interesting tweet from an account, not on your following list? You’ll most likely visit their profile page to learn more about this user. As people commonly do this on this platform, does Twitter show who viewed your profile?

Can you see this data on social media platforms, or should you rely on a third-party tool? Do you have to enable a special setting or join the platform’s subscription service? Today’s article explores this topic and has the answers to all your queries on this topic.

A person uses their gray MacBook Pro to view a dashboard on a website.

Can People See if You View Their Twitter Profile?

No, people cannot see if you view their Twitter profile. This social media channel doesn’t share this information on its analytics dashboard.

However, Twitter does show profile visits, which is a similar metric. This tells you how many Twitter users visited your account.

At the time of writing this article, you can still get this information for individual posts. It’s also available in the revamped X Analytics dashboard.

How To See Who Views Your Twitter: 3 Quick Ways To Get This Metric

As highlighted earlier, X doesn’t tell you who visits your account. However, you can still learn about profile visits to get an idea of how many people go to your profile. How to see who views your Twitter account page? The sections below show three different ways to access this metric quickly.

A person gets a message with two graphs on their black iPhone.

1. Go Through X’s Post Analytics Dashboard To See Profile Visits

The easiest method is to use the default Twitter analytics dashboard. It provides all the metrics you need to know about your Twitter account.

As of June 2024, the profile visit metric is still visible if you don’t have an X Premium subscription.

Here’s how to get this metric from individual posts on X:

  1. Sign in to your X account on a desktop or your smartphone.
  2. After you go to your feed, tap your profile picture. It is a circular button visible at the top right corner of your screen. When the side panel comes into view, press Profile to go to your account page. You’ll see the Profile option on the desktop on the quick navigation panel. Left-click this button to visit your account.
  3. Click the Posts tab and scroll down to find your post. If you can’t see it, enter this command in the search bar — (from:username) “keyword.” Replace “username” with your X handle and “keyword” with a phrase or hashtag in the post.
  4. Below every post, you’ll see a graph button with a number. Left-click this icon to open the Post Analytics dashboard.
  5. Look for Profile Views, which tell you how many people visited your account after seeing this tweet.

What if you still can’t locate the tweet on your account page? There are two additional search operators you should try:

  • since:yyyy-mm-dd 
  • until:yyyy-mm-dd

The since command shows posts after the specified date while until displays tweets before the given date. When you use them together, they show tweets from the provided date range. This is how to use these commands (from:username) “keyword 1” since:yyyy-mm-dd until:yyyy-mm-dd.

2. Use the Revamped Twitter Analytics Dashboard

On June 13, 2024, X launched the revamped edition of the Twitter Analytics dashboard. They updated the design and interface, giving all the information you need on a single page.

At the time of writing this article, you need X Premium or Premium+ subscription. Currently, it isn’t available on the Basic tier.

Here’s how to access your analytics dashboard on X after you become a subscriber:

  1. Visit your X homepage on a desktop browser.
  2. Left-click the Premium button on the side panel.
  3. Navigate to the Analytics page, which you’ll see under Quick Access.

The revamped dashboard shows a graph of your Twitter account’s performance over a specified period. You can change the date filter to — seven days, 28 days, three months, and one year. There’s also a calendar icon, which lets you choose custom date ranges.

A card for profile visits shows how this metric changed over a specified date range. In the graph below Account Overview, tap Impressions and change it to Profile Visits. This changes the graph from tweet impressions to profile views.

While hovering over specific points in the graph, you’ll see the profile visits during that period. This gives you an idea of whether your content is directing people towards your profile.

3. Include a Shortened Link With Analytics in Your Profile’s Bio or Website Section

An indirect way to know how many people visited your Twitter profile is to include a URL in your bio. Generally, using a URL shortener service is the best way to do this, as they offer analytics data. You’ll know how many people visited your profile page by measuring the click metrics for this URL.

Here’s how to use a link shortener service to track profile visits on X:

  1. Create an account with a link shortener service and make a custom tracking link.
  2. Open X on your desktop or mobile device.
  3. Go to your account page by left-clicking Profile in the quick navigation panel. On your mobile device, swipe right after you go to the For You feed and tap Profile.
  4. Left-click the Edit Profile button below your X header image.
  5. You can insert the shortened URL in the Bio or Website section.
  6. Click the Save button on this popup to apply the changes to your X profile page.

You should test the link by clicking it and seeing if it registers this activity. If everything looks good, you can track profile visits when people open this URL.

A person utilizes the MacBook Pro’s keyboard and trackpad on a brown table with their wallet and camera lens.

Can You Use Third-Party Apps and Services To Track Who Viewed Your Profile?

No, you should avoid using third-party apps and services to track who viewed your Twitter profile. This is because X doesn’t have an application protocol interface (API), which allows tools to access this data.

At best, most services will tell you the number of profile visits you get on X. You shouldn’t use any tool that claims to provide this data, as they can put your account at risk. In most situations, you must connect your account with a third-party tool.

Bad actors and malicious services will use this to their advantage to post spam or harmful content on your profile. Browser extensions can monitor your actions and collect sensitive information. They can also acquire your login credentials and lock you out of your account.

Does Twitter Send a Notification When You Visit a User’s Profile Page?

No, Twitter doesn’t send notifications when you visit a user’s profile page. The platform only tracks the number of people visiting the account page. Although this metric is available in your X Analytics dashboard, it doesn’t act like the other engagement metrics.

For example, if someone likes your post, you’ll learn about this activity from your Notifications tab.

A person gets a notification for a like on a Twitter post on their black iPhone’s lock screen.

Why Is It Important To Know About Profile Visits on Twitter?

Profile visits are more than just a metric on your analytics dashboard on X. You can learn the following by looking at this data.

1. It Gives You an Idea of What People Think of Your Content

The profile visits on individual posts show how your content resonates with your audience. Do people visit your account page after seeing your tweet in their timeline?

For example, you ask your audience to check out your profile, as there’s a link to your website. With profile clicks, you can assess if this strategy is working.

If not enough people visit your profile, you can see if changing your content or post type makes any difference.

2. It Helps You Optimize Your Profile Page To Achieve Your Goals

Your profile page plays a significant role in what people think of your profile. Let’s say a person visits your account but doesn’t become your follower. Or, a user checks out your profile page but doesn’t click the link to your website.

These situations shed light on how well your profile page helps you achieve your goals. For example, does the pinned tweet metric go up with profile visits? If not, you must change your account’s pinned post.

What about the URL in your bio? Do you see an increase in the number of interactions with this link? Perhaps you need to add clarity to the URL so people know what they are visiting. Or, you can change the copy in the bio to see if this increases your engagement metrics.

Does Twitter Show Who Viewed Your Profile With X Premium?

No, Twitter doesn’t show who viewed your profile with X Premium, as this isn’t a feature for subscribers.

The platform doesn’t give this information to anybody, even if you subscribe to the highest tier.

A close-up of a graph on a laptop’s display.

TweetDelete Helps Increase Your Profile Visits by Removing Unwanted Tweets

You now have the answer to this query — does Twitter show you who viewed your profile?

The social media giant doesn’t show the usernames or display names of the people who visit your profile. On the other hand, it lets you know the number of visitors your account receives.

Your posts on X play an important role in driving your audience to your profile. If you publish content people don’t like, they will most likely not check out your account.

Negative comments, controversial posts, and insensitive content affect your profile views. Sometimes, people find your older tweets, which can reduce this metric.

It’s better to remove such posts and replies before they become problematic. Unfortunately, X doesn’t make it easy to locate your older tweets, nor does it allow you to bulk-delete posts.

You can prevent certain posts from affecting your engagement rate and other metrics by using a third-party tool like TweetDelete. It has all the social media management utilities you’ll need to maintain your reputation.

For instance, the mass-delete tweets utility makes it easy to remove a large number of posts on your profile page. The auto-delete tweets task is a timesaver, as it removes specific posts in the background. This feature uses the keywords, hashtags, and date ranges you set on its dashboard to remove the right tweets.

Also, TweetDelete can remove all your posts to give you a fresh start without creating a second Twitter account.

Use this guide on does Twitter show who viewed your profile to track account visits and improve this metric.

Become a TweetDelete subscriber today for a powerful tool to manage your online presence on X!

Arnel Bagyaratnam

Arnel Bagyaratnam is an SEO writer for TweetDelete who is avidly interested in covering tech. Previously, he was a digital strategist for Holystoked, helping the company switch from an offline model to a hybrid store with a strong online presence. He also worked as a copywriter and SEO consultant for VERB Studio. An industrial engineering & management graduate, he spends his free time breaking and digging for music to dance to.

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