01 HR 31 Min 55 Sec

Twitter Analytics: Tracking X Campaigns With Real-Time Data

A close-up picture of a computer screen showing analytic data of social media accounts using a graph with interpretation.

To achieve any goal and objective on Twitter, now X, you must plan and execute an effective campaign. Such campaigns usually aim to increase your visibility, reach and engagements. Upon execution, it is good practice to monitor your progress and make necessary adjustments to ensure success. Many tweeps find Twitter analytics efficient for such monitoring … Read more

Twitter Business Account: Building Your Online Brand on X

A picture of a hand holding a white cardboard paper with Twitter’s bird sketched on it.

Twitter, now X, stands out as a multi-functional social media platform, a hub for information, entertainment and even business. Its overwhelming user base makes it an invaluable online marketing tool that guarantees a wider reach for your business. Although several factors contribute to a successful business campaign on Twitter, the foundation is creating a proper … Read more

 Advanced Twitter Search: Performing Highly-Specific Queries

A picture of a black X logo on a white tile on a blue background.

X, formerly Twitter, contains millions of posts from its many users. The number keeps increasing daily, making keeping tabs on some content difficult. Nonetheless, the platform makes it easier for users to search for anything. An advanced Twitter search penetrates the database to locate any information the user wants. For a regular user, this feature … Read more

Twitter Ghostwriter: What Does It Entail?

A picture of a person writing into a book on a table with several books and a teacup.

X, formerly called Twitter, is fast becoming the go-to platform for building and growing brands online. The reason for this is quite simple. The platform’s massive usage and soaring popularity among the purchasing class make it an ideal location for brand promotion. However, since some brand owners are too busy to compose and share posts … Read more

Can You Edit a Tweet After Posting? How To Get It Done

A picture of a black X logo on a gray and white checkered background.

X, formerly Twitter, accepts its user’s opinions and ideas about any topic with limitations to sensitive ones. Anyone can put out an idea about anything for public reaction and engagement. However, everything on the platform isn’t as easy as it seems. Some tweets can be controversial. Also, tweet authors can change their minds about their … Read more

Twitter DMCA: Defending Your Copyright on Digital Content

A 3D image of Twitter’s new X logo depicted on a dark background.

Twitter, now X, is becoming increasingly competitive, especially for businesses and brands. Because of this, many are resorting to different tactics to outdo their competitors, even plagiarizing their works. However, you can protect your Twitter content by obtaining copyrights on them. After doing this, you can file a Twitter DMCA report against anyone plagiarizing your … Read more

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