01 HR 31 Min 55 Sec

View Deleted Tweets: All the Helpful Tools and Techniques

A closeup shot of a phone screen displaying several apps, including Twitter.

Whenever people delete their posts on Twitter, now known as X, these posts generate a lot of interest. Because of this, it is sometimes necessary to view deleted tweets. People look for ways to access removed tweets for various reasons. First, people track removed tweets to prove points or make arguments. Reviewing an old important … Read more

Remove Tweets: A Detailed Guide To Erasing Your Posts

A picture of a white Twitter logo illustrated on a black ceramic mug

Twitter, now known as X, is popular for allowing people to share their opinions and interests without restrictions. Most tweeps use the platform to engage their audience with original tweeted content. Some others go there to view content and retweet them. Whatever the purpose, everyone expects their tweets to gain massive reception. Unfortunately, this may … Read more

Delete Multiple Tweets: Helpful Tools and Techniques

A picture of someone holding a mobile phone displaying Twitter’s login page.

Like any other user, you’re prone to making blunders when sharing tweets. These include occasional misrepresentations regarding specific topics or outrightly offensive tweets that may damage your brand. While these posts sometimes stay up without a fuss, they can always resurface. Tweets resurfacing is almost always not a good sign because some trigger waves of … Read more

How To Delete Retweets on Twitter: A Guide To Undo Reposts

A picture of the Twitter homepage displayed on a desktop web browser

Retweeting is an amazing way to let other people know about interesting opinions someone else shares. Like the share feature on other social media platforms, Twitter’s retweet feature allows users to post previous tweets. However, people may change their minds about certain shared posts and decide to erase them. Luckily, this is possible if users … Read more

How to Archive Twitter Posts: Saving Tweets for Posterity

A picture of a stack of file binders on a table.

Although most social media companies improve their security by the day, risks of account loss still exist. Apart from that, some users consider ways of taking down their accounts while retaining their posts and other information. Archiving their posts on the platform could be the most feasible alternative in cases like these. But the problem … Read more

What Is Happening to Twitter? All the Platform’s New Reforms

A picture of someone browsing their Twitter feed on a smartphone.

Twitter has experienced dramatic changes since Elon Musk took over in October 2022. The new ownership has implemented several drastic updates that have often come as surprises. For instance, the rollout of the Twitter Blue program met a lot of backlash but has succeeded quite greatly. Apart from that, several questions concern what is happening … Read more