01 HR 31 Min 55 Sec

Delete Tweets in Bulk: The Easiest Way To Remove Your Posts

A brown brush and a light blue dustpan hang on a wall with light brown paint.

The longer you are active on social media platforms like X, formerly Twitter, the bigger your digital presence. Although growing your follower count takes significant effort, it only takes a few posts to damage your reputation. You’ll only realize how much you need to clean your Twitter profile when you start going through your older … Read more

How to Unsuspend Twitter Account: 4 Profile Recovery Hacks

An Elvis Presley impersonator with white clothes holds a microphone and hugs a woman.

When X, formerly Twitter, suspends your account, you don’t only lose access to your profile. You can’t reach out to your followers. It also impacts your reputation in the digital space. All that time and effort spent executing well-planned strategies and building a following feels like a waste. Fortunately, everything is recoverable if you know … Read more

Twitter Algorithm: Mastering the Metrics of Ranking

Picture of a person holding a smartphone showing Twitter’s home timeline.

Have you ever wondered why some posts on X, formerly known as Twitter, trend while others don’t? Besides the high engagement these posts garner, there must be another factor. If these popular tweets weren’t at the forefront of people’s timelines, they wouldn’t get so much interaction. Well, tweets rank because of the Twitter algorithm. Though … Read more

Embed Twitter: Guide To Displaying Your Post on Websites

A picture of the YouTube logo on a black background.

Twitter is one of the effective ways for brands to reach their target audience. Over the years, the platform has allowed people to discover brands through websites. Brands putting their Twitter feeds on websites has enabled visitors to keep up with their tweet activity. It has also increased their engagement with website visitors. However, none … Read more