01 HR 31 Min 55 Sec

Twitter Safe Search: How To Find Sensitive Content on X?

A Twitter, aka X, user waiting for the app to open on their iPhone to find the safe search settings.

With Twitter’s search utility, you can find anything on the platform. You can look for specific posts (formerly tweets) from any account and track conversations worldwide. However, Twitter safe search filters out certain content from the search results by default. Usually, you won’t find sensitive content and accounts you block or mute. This is because … Read more

What Is Twitter API? All the Details About This Interface

A photo of someone holding a phone with the old Twitter logo on the screen.

Twitter’s application programming interface, called its API, is simply a link between the social platform and other programs. It allows developers to read and write data on the social media platform. By providing access to its API, X, formerly Twitter, allows others to create software that integrates with the platform. But because the application programming … Read more

Twitter Verification: Keep Your Profile Safe With This Guide

Twitter or X’s iconic blue checkmark for X Premium subscribers.

Gone are the days of meeting the active, authentic and notable requirements to be eligible for the iconic blue tick. In its stead is X Premium or Twitter Blue, the social media platform’s latest user verification method. Initially, Twitter Blue was a subscription service offering exclusive features to its members. After Elon Musk’s takeover, it … Read more

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