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Resources - Page 25

How To Remove Padlock on Twitter and Boost Tweet Impressions

Online privacy is essential as information about any person is easily accessible. Twitter understands the importance of this topic, which is why it offers several privacy-focused features. One is the ability to protect your tweets. However, if you use this feature, you’ll notice a lock icon next to your name. As it looks worrying, you … Read more

How To Undo a Retweet and Remove It From Twitter Forever

Did you know 97% of the tweets on Twitter are from 25% of the users? It also explains why retweeting is popular on this platform. When done correctly, you can leverage it to increase your follower count. It brings your old tweets to life and allows you to add to the conversation. But what if … Read more

Am I Shadowbanned on Twitter? 3 Quick Solutions To Fix It

Am I shadowbanned on Twitter?—This is a question you don’t want to ask. It’s understandable, as you don’t want to feel like you’re tweeting into the void. As you notice a recent drop in engagement, you wonder if shadow bans have anything to do with it. You may have several questions about Twitter’s shadow bans. … Read more

Twitter Mass Unfollow Extension: Remove 1000s With One Click

Twitter is a great platform to receive the latest updates on what’s happening worldwide. The social media network makes it easy to find what’s trending, irrespective of your niche. Although the platform is user-friendly, it makes unfollowing users a chore. An easier method is to use a Twitter mass unfollow extension.  As there are several … Read more

How To Turn Off Sensitive Content on Twitter Explained

Twitter makes it easy to share all kinds of media on the platform. However, when viewing certain content, you see a warning. It informs you the media may have sensitive content. Along with this message, there’s an eye with a diagonal line. You can only see the content after interacting with it. As you keep … Read more

How Many Characters in a Tweet: Do Spaces and Emojis Count?

Knowing how many characters in a tweet makes it easy to plan your posts. How often did you hit backspace to ensure it doesn’t cross the character limit? You spend more time making edits instead of expressing yourself clearly. Although these limitations force you to check the character count, it does help with your creativity. … Read more

Twitter Won’t Work on Chrome: How to Troubleshoot

Chrome is reportedly one of the most used web browsers today. Its popularity is due to efficiency, ease of use and internet speed. Even on interactive sites like Twitter Web, which requires huge data transfer, Chrome maintains its high efficiency. Sometimes, however, Twitter won’t work on Chrome. Other times, you may be unable to access … Read more

How To Hide Liked Tweets: The Complete Guide

Scrolling through their Twitter feeds, you hit the like button on posts that tickle your fancy. While you may think it ends there, Twitter saves all your liked tweets. Unfortunately, everyone can see these liked posts on your profile. This means that your interactions on the platform are public unless you choose to lock your … Read more

Can People See What You Like on TWITTER? In-depth Exposé

Many social media users would like to be more thrilled about publicizing all their interactions. However, the design of most of these platforms allows other users access to certain information regarding the interactions of others. Even on Twitter, these concerns exist. For instance, questions like “Can people see what you like on Twitter?” Anyone can … Read more

How To Delete Someone Else’s Tweet: Dealing With Offense

Unfortunately, a lot of Twitter users send out abusive tweets every day. Many tweets may need to be revised with you as you go through your Twitter feeds. Other times, some tweets may not align with your ideas. This is commonplace because Twitter contains users from different backgrounds who also have different ideologies. For this … Read more

Twitter Likes Disappear: How To Conceal and Erase Your Likes

When Twitter likes disappear from your feed, your timeline does not reflect a numerical change. Thus, you can keep searching for a tweet on your feed to find it. While you cannot recover deleted likes, it can help to know why Twitter likes disappear. Then you can better prevent their occurrence. Also, when your account … Read more

Most Liked Tweets: Which Tweets Have Blown up the Most?

Different tweets trigger different reactions from the Twitter community. So, while other tweets enjoy widespread acceptance, others draw hurricanes of backlash. In most instances, the number of likes on a tweet describes its overall reception to a certain degree. Although some of the most liked tweets have been controversial, most are widely accepted. These span … Read more

Bulk Delete Past Tweets

Looking for a fresh start on your X, formerly Twitter, account? Let TweetDelete do the hard work for you by deleting your old tweets. Keep your page clean and streamlined with ease.

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