01 HR 31 Min 55 Sec

Remove Twitter Likes: A Must-Have Guide to Unlike Posts on X

Multiple brown wooden tiles that spell “Like.”

People will look at the posts you like on Twitter, now X, to form impressions about you as an individual. They can show your political stance, ideologies, and what interests you. Unfortunately, they can hurt your reputation, especially if you accidentally like posts with adult, insensitive, or controversial content. This is why it’s good to … Read more

Who To Follow on Twitter: Curating the Best Contacts on X

An image of a 3D drawing of a hand holding a cardboard with Twitter’s bird and the word “FOLLOW” written above.

There is no limit to the number of accounts you can follow on Twitter, now called X. You only need to maintain a corresponding follower count to keep following more users. However, if you’re building a Twitter community, you cannot randomly add people to your following list. Instead, you must carefully determine who to follow … Read more

Delete Twitter Archive: All the Tools You Need

A picture of book archives arranged on shelves.

X, formerly Twitter, is a social hub, and like all social spaces, you’re easily incited to keep talking, sometimes without restraint. You may have absentmindedly fired a post, comment, or reply on Twitter without thinking it through. Deleting the tweets is usually your first thought when you’re sober, but it’s often late upon realization. Users … Read more