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Pros and Cons of Twitter: Is It Worth Being on X Right Now?

Arnel Bagyaratnam

Jul 12, 2024 10 mins read
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Knowing what to expect from social media networks like X can help you decide which platform to join. You don’t want to spend hundreds of hours on a digital community only to realize it isn’t for you. One way to accurately assess a platform like X is to compare the pros and cons of Twitter.

Looking at X from this perspective can provide insight on whether you should go ahead and join the platform. This explainer discusses the advantages and disadvantages of being active on Twitter for professional and personal use cases.

 6 Pros and Cons of Twitter for Personal Use 

X gives you free rein on the platform as long as you don’t violate its terms and conditions. Although this is excellent news, you still need to know whether this platform is for you. 

Below, you’ll find the pros and cons of Twitter for personal use.

3 Pros of Being Active on X for Personal Reasons

Below is a list of advantages of Twitter when you are active on the platform for personal use:

  1. It’s easy to stay up-to-date: One of the reasons why people use X is because it is the place to get the latest updates. This platform has countless industry experts, thought leaders, and news outlets. Following them ensures you know what is happening in specific niches in real-time.
  2. There are almost limits to self-expression: If you have something to share, be it your thoughts, opinions, or anything else, you can do so on X. Always ensure your content falls within X’s rules to prevent the platform from taking action against your account.
  3. You’ll find a community of like-minded people: There’s a community for everything on X, which means it won’t take long before you feel at home. With X’s advanced search utility, you can find communities with the same hobbies and interests.

3 Cons of Using X With Your Personal Account

At first glance, X seems like a match made in heaven for you. However, this isn’t the case, as there are a few cons of Twitter you must know about:

  1. It takes a while to gain traction: When you’re new to X, your posts won’t get a lot of engagement. As a result, you may feel like stopping or giving up on this platform. Although it can be deflating, you must continue to push on. Once you build a loyal following, you’ll see why people love using this platform.
  2. Avoiding negativity is next to impossible: Due to the diversity of the people on X, there will always be differences in opinions. As a result, users may not agree with you and leave offensive and negative comments. The only option is to make your X account private. However, people won’t discover your profile, which makes it harder to increase your follower count.
  3. You need X Premium to increase your visibility in the comments section: Twitter boosts the replies of X Premium subscribers. Even if you have something valuable to say to the author, they may not even see your comment. The only option is to become an X Premium subscriber.

Pros and Cons of Twitter for Business: 6 Things No One Will Ever Tell You

You can’t ignore X as a brand; your customer base may be active on this platform. However, you must know what you’re getting into before you jump head-first into this platform. The section below highlights the pros and cons of Twitter for business.

3 Advantages of Using X for Your Business

If you want to use X for business, here are all the positives you’ll experience on this social network:

  1. Customers give you real-time feedback: X is a great place to receive feedback from your customers without asking for it. People will provide valuable reviews, highlighting the shortcomings of your products and services. 
  2. It helps connect with your target audience: With a business account, you can engage with your audience and form a real connection. Your profile gives you a face and a voice, which will help you connect with your followers. 
  3. It shows people’s perception towards your business: People’s feelings towards your brand can change over time. You can search and follow user conversations to get an idea of their perception. There are also sentiment analysis tools for Twitter to give you an in-depth analysis of your followers’ feelings.

X for Business: 3 Disadvantages You Must Know

Although X has several advantages, it has its fair share of cons. Here are three disadvantages of Twitter for business:

  1. Bad news spreads fast: One major problem with X is that it is a double-edged sword. Just as you can benefit from it, the platform can also hurt you in the long run. Mistakes, controversial takes, or objectionable content will spread like wildfire on this platform. Although you’ll face significant backlash, it allows you to address these issues quickly.
  2. It requires a significant commitment to get satisfactory results: Being visible on X is no easy feat, as it requires a substantial commitment from your side. You need a regular posting schedule to ensure your content pops up in other users’ feeds. Also, when your target audience mentions your account or sends a direct message (DM), you must respond quickly. In other words, you have to monitor user activity on X.
  3. X Analytics doesn’t give you the whole picture: X or Twitter Analytics doesn’t provide deep insights about your followers. The data you see in your dashboard is basic. Also, the platform may unexpectedly remove certain features, like user demographics. If you want more information about your audience, use third-party tools.

Pros and Cons of Twitter Marketing: The Real Deal of Running Advertisements on X

X provides multiple paid solutions to reach your target audience on the platform. If you plan on starting a campaign, you need to know about the following pros and cons of Twitter marketing.

3 Pros of Twitter Marketing: Benefits You’ll Experience

There are several reasons to focus on Twitter marketing, as highlighted below:

  1. Direct your followers to your website: Your profile page allows you to add a website link. With Twitter marketing, you can get people to visit your account and check out your website. In other words, X enables you to convert your followers into website visitors, who can eventually become your customers.
  2. Establish yourself as a leader or expert in your domain: You can showcase your expertise via Twitter marketing. For instance, when people are discussing a relevant topic, you can join the conversation and add value. Building authority and credibility becomes easier when you position yourself as a leader or expert.
  3. Reach a larger target audience: According to Statista, X has over 619 million monthly active users. Find your target audience and reach them by implementing the right marketing strategies.

2 Cons of Twitter Marketing: Where Advertising on X Falls Short

You get a clear view of this platform by learning about the cons of marketing on X, as highlighted below:

  1. There’s a lot of competition on X: Everyone is competing with you on Twitter to get the attention of this platform’s users. If you don’t adapt to the changes on X, you’ll never see the light at the end of the tunnel. You need a solid content and marketing strategy to stand out from your competitors.
  2. It requires constant monitoring: You must keep a close eye on your marketing campaigns, as there’s always the chance of community backlash. You must closely monitor your efforts and take quick action if something goes wrong.

5 Pros and Cons of Advertising on Twitter: Yay or Nay?

Advertising on X can help your account reach new heights like never before. Before setting aside a marketing budget, you must know the pros and cons of advertising on Twitter.

3 Pros of Running Promotions on X

When you advertise X, you will experience the following benefits:

  1. Setting up and monitoring advertisements is straightforward: You don’t need significant marketing knowledge to start a campaign on X. The interface is user-friendly, and the platform guides you through the process. It explains various elements, ensuring you have the knowledge to get excellent results from your promotional drive.
  2. Excellent controls to target the right audience: X provides the controls to fine-tune your advertising campaigns to ensure they are visible to the right people. Your advertisements can target them according to their interests and demographics. It also shows your promotional content to other users who are similar to your followers. Also, there are several ad formats, ensuring there’s always a way to reach your audience.
  3. Easily keep advertising costs under control: The advertising costs on X depend on billable actions. Your marketing goals determine which user activity is chargeable. If a user’s action doesn’t meet your campaign’s goals, the platform won’t bill you for it. Also, you can set a threshold for your daily advertising budget, and X will never exceed this limit.

2 Cons of Advertising on Twitter You Never Knew About

Although X simplifies the marketing process, it also has several shortcomings. This section focuses on the cons of advertising on Twitter:

  1. Tracking return on investment (ROI) is challenging: You can run multiple campaigns to get your target audience to visit your brand’s website. However, it is challenging to understand whether these users become customers over time. In other words, X doesn’t tell you what people do after they click on the link in your advertisement. You must use Google Analytics for Twitter or a similar powerful tool to get this information.
  2. Bots and fake accounts can throw off your metrics: Every social media platform has to deal with bots, and X is no different. Elon Musk cited this as a concern to pull out of buying out this network. Bots and fake accounts pretend to be real people, making it harder to determine the true effectiveness of your campaigns.

Reduce the Impact of Your Mistakes on X With TweetDelete

This guide gave you enough information to weigh your options before making a decision about joining Twitter.

Even when you’re extremely careful on X, you can make mistakes. The worst part is that you may never know about them until someone points it out. It may be too late, as your mistake makes you go viral for the wrong reasons.

This can also happen if your profile has controversial or objectionable content. You may not know about them, but someone eventually will. The best way to prevent these situations is to join the TweetDelete family. 

You can quickly find specific tweets with this trustworthy third-party tool’s custom filter. Run the bulk-delete tweets utility to remove these posts from your profile. You can delete all your tweets to clean your account.

The auto-delete tweets feature is handy for removing posts containing certain hashtags or keywords. Also, you can stay away from unwanted backlash by deleting your likes. In other words, you can keep your activities private, even if you have a public profile.

Hopefully, you find this guide on the pros and cons of Twitter useful. 

Join TweetDelete today to ensure you have the right tools to take immediate action!

Arnel Bagyaratnam

Arnel Bagyaratnam is an SEO writer for TweetDelete who is avidly interested in covering tech. Previously, he was a digital strategist for Holystoked, helping the company switch from an offline model to a hybrid store with a strong online presence. He also worked as a copywriter and SEO consultant for VERB Studio. An industrial engineering & management graduate, he spends his free time breaking and digging for music to dance to.

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