Many interesting features exist on Twitter, now X, that put it ahead of other social media platforms. One is the “Follow” feature, an alternative to the “Friend” feature on other platforms. You can follow any public account on X and subscribe to their tweets without permission. However, you must always watch your following count. There is a flexible Twitter follow limit that restricts the number of accounts you can follow per time.
This limit is rather dynamic than static, and it is twofold. There is a daily follow limit and an account limit. Nevertheless, your X follow limit depends on time and your following-to-followers ratio for the daily and account limits, respectively. When you reach your limit, you’ll be unable to follow more accounts until you make the necessary adjustments. So, let’s learn the X follow limits to help you utilize the feature better.

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Is There a Follow Limit on Twitter for Every Account?
You can’t compare the richness of your X feed of today to when you first started on Twitter. Many factors cause your feed to grow richer and richer, but the accounts you follow contribute the most. That is why most tweeps strive to follow more accounts – to enrich their timeline. Although Twitter imposes a reading limit for all accounts, it helps to follow many accounts to diversify your timeline’s content.
If you know about the X reading limits, you may also wonder. “Is there a follow limit on Twitter?” Generally, there is no limit to the number of accounts you can follow on X. However, Twitter, aka X, limits the rate at which you follow accounts on the platform. That is the X follow limit – it doesn’t limit the number of accounts to follow but limits your following pace.
Now, let’s consider the nature of the following limits on Twitter.
What Is the Twitter Follow Limit for Each X Account?
All Twitter, now X accounts, can follow up to 5,000 accounts before Twitter further limits their following pace. However, you cannot follow all 5,000 accounts in one day. You must follow accounts reasonably, respecting the daily Twitter follow limit.
Remember that there is no limit to the number of accounts you can follow on the platform. This 5,000 account limit is like your degree of freedom whether or not you have followers. So, you can follow up to 5,000 accounts on Twitter without anybody following you back.
After following 5,000 accounts, you cannot follow more accounts unless your follower count increases. From this point, Twitter only allows you to follow more accounts depending on your following-to-follower ratio. Unfortunately, Twitter doesn’t publish the ratio they require, but it is clear that they require a balance between both counts.
The 5,000 account limit is like a headstart for new tweeps. It allows them to explore the platform freely, pursuing topics and people of interest. But before following that many accounts, Twitter expects you to develop relationships and make an impact that earns you followers. So, if you’re starting on X, look out for potential active Twitter followers and engage them. That is a key to unlimited following on X.

Is There a Daily Follow Limit on X? Is the Limit Reasonable?
Although Twitter allows you to follow 5,000 accounts before imposing further technical limits, you can’t follow all accounts simultaneously. Recall that a primary reason for the follow limit is to prevent spam and manipulative relationships. You’ll rarely establish an online relationship with 5,000 people at once!
Therefore, Twitter further restricts the follow limit to a daily limit. So, you can only follow up to 400 accounts daily until you’re following 5,000 accounts. After following 400 accounts in a day, you cannot follow more accounts until the next day. Additionally, you cannot follow all 400 accounts at a go in a day. Twitter does not support indiscriminate following, so you must spread it throughout the day.
As noted with other X limits and features, the follow limit is also lighter for verified users. Unlike regular tweeps, Twitter Blue subscribers can follow up to 1000 accounts daily! Nevertheless, you’ll receive an error message if you attempt to follow too many accounts at a time in a day. However, you can resume the following accounts after about an hour. If you reach your daily limit, wait to resume the next day.
The daily limits for verified and unverified accounts are quite reasonable. Following 400 and 1,000 accounts daily should suffice for anyone building targeted relationships and connections. Moreover, this limit makes users more intentional about their connections and contacts on X.

Why Does Twitter Limit Following on the X Platform?
The following limit is a very important account control measure on X. Your following count positions your account for growth on the platform and facilitates interactions with other X users. So, Twitter limits your following pace to spam and manipulation of X relationships.
Excessive following on the platform will cause X to lose naturalness in interaction. Since the Follow relationships on Twitter are not mutual, this limit is essential to ensure relationship authenticity. Moreover, uncontrolled following from several accounts may overwhelm the system, causing bugs and recurring system downtime.
Twitter also imposes this limit to prevent indiscriminate following. X designed the follow feature as an online relationship-building feature, not an account-boosting feature. So, this pace limit is very important to ensure that it continues to serve this purpose. In its absence, many tweeps will indiscriminately follow unrelated accounts to increase their counts. They may also use automated means to duplicate another account following lists.
The X follow limits also prevent follow churn on the platform. That is when a tweep massively follows people on X to build their profile but unfollows them after gaining followers. Thankfully, the follow limits, meticulously enforced by X administrators, prevent all these, making X unique and enjoyable.

How Long Does Follow Limit Last on Twitter?
The only time-bound follow limit on X is the daily follow limit. So if someone asks, “How long does the follow limit last on Twitter?” they must have the daily limit in mind. As the name implies, the daily follow limit restricts following accounts for a day when you reach the limit.
That does not mean you must wait an exact 24 hours after reaching the limit to resume following. You only need a fresh day to resume following. So, even if you reach your daily limit on the night, you can resume following the next morning. As each day begins, your daily follow counts restart towards the 400 account limit.
Regarding the account follow limit, there is no specific duration for this limit. The limit stays valid until you make the necessary adjustments. In this case, that requires increasing your follower count to improve the following-to-follower ratio for your account. Twitter will continue imposing the follow limit on your account until you do this – however long it takes.
Unfortunately, you cannot send requests on X for people to follow you. But there are some effective ways to earn Twitter followers to relieve your account of this limit. Some of these include:
- Completing your profile with a rich bio.
- Use an attractive Twitter header and profile picture.
- Posting rich, interesting, informative, and captivating tweets.
- Offering continuous engagements on your and other people’s tweets.
- Verifying your X account.
- Creating and joining Twitter Lists.
- Embedding Twitter into your website.
- Joining and participating in Twitter Chats.
With these tips, you can earn more followers, breaking the ratio limits for your account. Then, your X account following the limit will disappear. It doesn’t need time; your effort to earn more followers will suffice.

What Happens to an X Account With Twitter Follow Limit Reached?
An account with a Twitter follow limit reached will be unable to follow more accounts on X. No account can exceed the follow limit once imposed. Moreover, Twitter will not penalize any account reaching the follow limit. Instead, when you reach it, you’ll receive an error message when trying to follow more people. The error message usually says, “You are unable to follow more people at this time.”
This message appears when you reach the daily follow and account limits. You can also see this message after following multiple accounts per time in a day. However, that does not always mean you have exceeded your daily limit. It sometimes warns about indiscriminate following within a day. In this case, you can resume following people after about an hour.
However, you’ll have to wait until the next day if you exceed your daily limit of 400 accounts. Additionally, you must improve your following-to-follower ratio by increasing your followers to clear this limit after following 5,000 accounts.
To prevent this limit on your account, it’s best always to check your following count. You can find this on your profile page below your profile picture, date of birth, and join date. The following count also appears on the X mobile app’s navigation menu below your Twitter handle.
It is good practice to check your following list and remove inactive Twitter accounts regularly. This maintenance practice will help you continue following more X accounts without exceeding the follow limit. The app also places some limits on the use of the direct messages feature.

How Twitter Limits Followers on Your Account. Is There an X Follower Limit?
This article has examined the reasons and nature of the X follow limit. A highlight of this limit is the influence of the following-to-follower ratio on this limit. Thus, considering these points, you wonder whether Twitter limits followers on X accounts.
There is no limit on the number of people who can follow you on Twitter. You can have as many followers as you can earn, irrespective of the number of people you follow. Additionally, you can have thousands of daily followers, provided they are real Twitter followers. However, if several spam accounts and bots follow you, X administrators may remove them later.
It may seem biased that Twitter does not restrict the pace of people following your account but imposes follow limits. However, the focus is on transparency and user integrity. It is very unlikely for multiple accounts to follow you by automation than your account following multiple users. So, the restriction, though one-sided, aims to enforce user integrity.
One way to keep off the follow limits is by removing inactive accounts from your following list. That is only possible through regular account maintenance, but this can be hectic. Yet, it is beneficial to prevent you from exceeding your Twitter follow limit.
You can use TweetDelete to ease your X account maintenance. This web-based tool allows you to clear your X timeline seamlessly, giving you time to focus on your X contact. With TweetDelete, you can automate tweet deletion, and the software will remove all tweets at the specified time. The system stores all deleted tweets for retrieval whenever you need them. So, start filtering and cleaning your Twitter timeline today!